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When is Enough, Enough?

Writer's picture: Mark Allred CPLCMark Allred CPLC

We are living in a time our children's children will be reading about in their text books. The full reality of the magnitude of COVID-19 is at the time I am writing still far off. There's much uncertainty, but I believe there's at least one thing in all of this we can know for certain if we count ourselves among those who trust the word He has given us: God has and always will provide enough.

I would like to ask for a moment of grace from those who are reading this that would not consider themselves Christ followers. Would you indulge me with the three to five minutes it will take to read this, so I can properly unpack a Christian concept that I think will shine a needed light on our primal desire to hoard at times like this?

I believe God placed in the Genesis creation story a simple concept and promise He desired for us to carry throughout our lives here on earth. As He was creating everything there was a perfect moment that He chose to stop, admire His creation and say, "Enough." As people created in His image, He has also endowed us with the innate ability to know when it's enough as well. However, as a result of the fall, we were also given the opportunity to choose when or even if we will act on that awareness.

God reminded His people of this when He brought them out of Egypt. The gift of manna provided each day for food as they were wandering in the desert was a constant reminder that in all circumstances there will be enough. What is often missed in that story is a simple verse that I believe unlocks the human potential that exists in uncertain times like the one we are living in. "The People of Israel went to work and started gathering, some more, some less, but when they measured out what they had gathered, those who had gathered more had no extra and those who gathered less weren't short - each person had gathered as much as was needed." (Exodus 16: 17-18 MSG)

Notice that this verse specifically points out that some gathered more and some gathered less just like our society is doing right now in response to this crisis. However, when it was all measured out for that community in the desert, there was enough for everyone. I believe this verse calls us to recognize that this community gathered as a universal family. It's an important reminder about the power we have when we do life together. Some of us are blessed with strength and insight that others may not have access to in this season of their life. But, when we all go out and collect what we capable of gathering, there is more than enough to sustain us all. I pray that everyone who's reading this will remember that and choose to allow there to be enough, knowing that may include sharing what they have been blessed to be able to gather. Trust in what we've been given and let our grandchildren read and marvel about the power of our generation to endure together!

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