I've maintained a consistent workout routine for years. Let me tell ya, it was very difficult to get started. When people find out you're beginning a fitness or diet routine, you'll get a TON of advice. The wise person will certainly listen to it. However, the peer pressure to workout or eat like your friends who are at a different stage of their health journey can often be the #1 reason we fail.
Experience has taught me the best way to begin any health and wellness journey is to start by asking one simple question: "What do I want to accomplish?" It should never begin with "What should I do?" or "What can I do to be like (fill in the blank)?" The journey to become a higher version of yourself begins with self awareness.
You need to be clear on who you want to see in the mirror. Each of us has been born into a unique experience. Everyday we are moved forward by the choices we make in the environment we live in. Climbing the ladder of success will do you no good if you have placed your ladder against the wrong wall.
When it comes to nurturing the body that carries you through this world, it's important to consider your purpose and tendencies. There are many levels of physical fitness. A marathon runner is going to pursue a different degree of muscle mass than a football player. If the work you do requires daily lifting, what kind of exercise can give you strength and protect your back? If your job requires you to consistently make difficult decisions, what foods and supplements will sharpen your mind?
Regarding tendencies, if you're a married person who knows they have a history of wandering eyes, a perfectly sculpted body that attracts the opposite sex may actually bring more temptation then you can handle. If you are someone with a sweet tooth, how you figure desserts in your diet may have a monumental impact on your ability to sustain it.
If you can be honest with yourself about who you are and who you want to be, you will empower yourself to choose a race you can win for yourself and your family. And, if in the process you can also connect with your purpose, God will be waiting at the finish line ready to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."