I love potato chips! If I sat down with a large bag in front of the TV, I could easily finish the whole thing without thinking about it. However, the ability to reason about that decision is exactly what separates us from the beasts of the world. Or, at least it should be.
It seems more and more these days our world is choosing to live in the extremes. Either we're regularly eating that whole bag of chips or we have completely rid ourselves of all gluten, carbs, sugars, fats, whatever... In both camps, however, most experience a daily longing. This life in the extremes longs for a greater self- image and self-control or just the freedom to live a little.
In my life, I have been blessed to find a comfortable space between the extremes. I've found that there is great peace and power in the lesson about taking all things in moderation. I believe this is one way we are made in the image of God. Each of us has the ability to know when to say, "Enough!" When God made the world, He knew exactly when His work was done. He knew how to rest peacefully with what He'd accomplished and not stress about what could be done better. This is something He has gifted us to be able to do in all areas of our lives.
For me, living a life of moderation means learning how to be intentional about the choices I make. I can enjoy potato chips, but I must never sit down with more than I know is good for me to eat. When it comes to weight loss, I've intentionally chosen a weight range to live within. If I ever get above it, I know what I need to change in my diet and exercise routine to get back on track. I also know that getting to the low side of that range can empower me to fully enjoy those times in life like the holidays and vacations!
I have tremendous respect for those out there who have made huge sacrifices for their health and lifestyle. The ones who have found peace and fulfillment in that sacrifice are amazing stewards of the temple they have been given. But, for those who are experiencing daily longing in the extremes, I believe there is a peaceful space in between if you choose to find it.