Today, I came across something I wrote several years ago. When I wrote it, I must have been reflecting on life, faith and purpose. It seemed appropriate to share as we are all spending time at home pining over what we had and perhaps worrying about what is to come. I invite you to consider how you relate to the builder.
Life and Tides
I watched a man at the shore slowly digging in the sand. Alone but smiling. Little by little he formed mounds of sand into columns and courtyards. With his back bare to the scorching sun he joyfully sculpted as the tide grew slowly closer.
"You fool!" I thought. Others had been building castles too, but knowing the sea would inevitably claim them, they did only enough to satisfy the children who dug with them. But, he continued on.
Smiling and humming, he constructed draw bridges, walkways, and watch towers. It was glorious! And, as the sun began to set, he planted a flag upon the tallest tower and stepped back to marvel at his work.
Night was approaching and the tide was looming like a vast army at his castle gate. As the walls crumbled and the watch tower fell, I could see no sign of regret on his face. He was smiling through tears as his beautiful creation was carried out to sea. I grieved for him because I didn't understand what he knew for certain...that one day he would build again on another shore.